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abandon one’s country
背弃祖国  detail>>
abandon one’s friend
背弃朋友  detail>>
abandon one’s post
放弃职位  detail>>
give one’s life for one’s country
为国家献身  detail>>
spain,one country,one goal
西班牙,一个国家,一个目标  detail>>
one country on each side
一边一国论 一一  detail>>
one country two system
一国两制等  detail>>
one country with two systems
一国两制  detail>>
one country, two systems
一国两制 一切向钱看  detail>>
one country-two systems
一国两制  detail>>
 vt.  1.扔弃(地位等),离弃(家园);断绝(念头等),戒除(恶习等)。 2.【法律】遗弃(妻子),放弃(权利等)。 3.【保险】投保(货物等)...  detail>>
with abandon
放任地,放纵地,纵情地 恣意地, 放肆地  detail>>
one-country-two-system policy
一国两制的政策  detail>>
abandon abandon
从...到...范围 排列不等  detail>>
abandon a claim
放弃索赔  detail>>
abandon a habit
戒掉某种嗜好  detail>>
abandon a patent
放弃专利权  detail>>
abandon a position
撤离阵地 放弃阵地  detail>>